Josh Bob Rockatansky is a 47-year-old apprentice spy who enjoys badminton, helping old ladies across the road and reading. He is exciting and giving, but can also be very boring and a bit unstable.

He is a Thai Hindu. He has a post-graduate degree.

Physically, Josh is in pretty good shape. He is tall with walnut skin, brown hair and black eyes. Unusually, he has a prosthetic foot; he lost his in a car accident.

He grew up in a middle class neighbourhood. He was raised by his mother, his father having left when he was young.

He is currently married to Ashleigh Robbie Harris. Ashleigh is the same age as him and works as a plumber.

Josh has four children with wife Ashleigh: Beau aged 2, Virginia aged 8, Susan aged 10 and Malakai aged 12.

Josh’s best friend is an apprentice spy called Arran Marshall. They have a very firey friendship. He also hangs around with an apprentice spy called Talia Patterson. They enjoy going to the movies together.